Tag Archives: Samsung

The Latest From the Federal Circuit on Injunctions, Sunset Royalties, and Future Royalty Rates

Even if you win your patent infringement case, you still may not get an injunction prohibiting ongoing infringement.  In a case decided last month by the Federal Circuit, ActiveVideo v. Verizon, a jury found that Verizon infringed ActiveVideo’s method patents pertaining to video-on-demand technology, but the Federal Circuit held that the district court erred by […]

The Damaged are Welcome; the Merely Annoyed are Unwelcome in Federal Court

Two recently-decided cases brought by Apple illustrate the necessity of identifying real harm to one’s business before filing a lawsuit in federal court.

More Ways to Prove Irreparable Injury

When considering possible ways in which your competitor is causing you irreparable injury, it may be worthwhile to consider two concepts proposed by Apple in the Apple v. Samsung case.